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Monday, February 15, 2010

"Why do you want to work here?" - Can YOU answer this interview question?

Ok the below post I am reading now,
So let's discuss this video everyone: is the advice useful for job seekers?

Why or why not you think? How would you answer this interview question yourself?

"Job interview questions can be difficult at times, but one question that definitely causes many people to get nervous is "Why do you want to work here?" It is a very frank, hard job interview question, and one that every job seeker could use a few tips on how to approach. Essentially, it's just one hurdle in your job hunt you will need to overcome - so to learn how to respond to such an interview question with a clear, confident, and impressive answer, watch this video!"


"Why do you want to work here?"

And here I saw the funniest comment,

That reminded me of a joke,

Having seen the guy's small instrument, girl asks "Who do you think you'll satisfy with this thing", the guy replies "Me of course..."

The question you raised is another version of that story. I always reply such a question with honesty.

Based on the information, the job / project allows application of a new technology, new opportunities, pays good, pays normal and I'm broke, I give the right answer.


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