The famed musician of Bollywood industry Ismail Drabar and the Sa Re Ga Ma contestant Poonam Yadav’s affair’s story has been making big rounds in the media since long. And now the story of Poonam Yadav’s attempting suicide after her abortion has also been making big headlines all over the media for some days. The tragic incident has set many tongues wagging with many blaming the music composer. Ismail Drabar was the mentor of Poonam and it is said that both shared a close relationship. The story got published in a leading tabloid of Mumbai, which shocked the country and the Bollywood fans spread every corner of the world.
Ismail denied the rumours and all the allegations on him. He said, “Controversies have always been my middle name. But when it comes on your izzat, you cannot sit quietly and take things lying down.”
The tabloid accused him of being responsible for her abortion and then her attempt of suicide.
Poonam was taken to the hospital a few days back where it was confirmed that she swallowed the extra sleeping pills to commit a suicide.
Wonder, what happened to Poonam or was there a force or pressure of any kind behind that she did not blame to Ismail Darbar for the suicide attempt? She told to the media after getting back to consciousness that she took the extra sleeping pills accidentally and she was not trying to commit suicide. Further she said Ismail and his wife Ayesha helped her financially at the time of crisis.
Well, the fact looks obvious that who is guilty or who is trying to hide it? We all understand it.
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Monday, April 27, 2009
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